FCDP Platform

The following is a summary of a much more detailed program to which the FC(G)DP subscribes.

Each section is expanded with more ample explanations.  You can find these expanded areas as sub menus.


·       We adhere to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Amendments.

·       We support active, cooperative steps by concerned citizens to foster equality of opportunity for everyone.


·       We pledge to treat each other with respect and consideration as we collectively gain consensus for today and the future to achieve the greatest good for all while preserving the dignity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


·       Open government, inclusive policies, open society

·       Strict public accountability and effectiveness

·       Public agencies that cooperate with each other

·       Highest public and personal ethics

Platform Planks:

1.     Representation and Governance:

·       To increase the accountability and effectiveness of our elected county officials, we support:

o      That District Commissioners be elected only by citizens of the district to be represented.

o      That open books, audits and clear organization development plans be instituted immediately to increase effectiveness and reduce the cost of operations.

o      To develop and implement a vision of the future for the county, formalize long-range planning efforts at the county and city levels by executing action plans.

2.     Environment and Natural Resources:

·       Water is a life support system that links all ecosystems and people:

o      Creation of a County committee to develop a sustainable water rationalization plan.

·       The county can take measures to reduce fossil fuel consumption:

o      Creation of a County committee to develop an energy action plan that cooperates with state and regional programs to reduce pollution, minimize dependence on non- renewable resources and encourages healthy life styles

·       Begin steps to reduce the damage made to our environment:

o      Create aggressive waste prevention and re-cycling measures.

3.     Education:

·       To increase the human capital of this county we support life-long learning.

o      From pre-kindergarten to continual adult education, create or tap into resources for well-rounded curricula in environmental education, math, science, technology, languages , humanities and the arts oriented towards a diverse population.

4.     Public Budgets and the Local Economy:

·       The focus is on sustaining or enhancing productivity through human resource development and training:

o      Encourage the creation of entrepreneurial businesses, preferably “green” in their focus, and with a solid emphasis on training and development for their associates.

o      We support balanced operating and capital budgets in our public government agencies.

5.     Land Use:

·       “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

o      Create a comprehensive land use plan. Once approved, stick to the plan and update as conditions warrant. The land use plan is the key element for further value creation alternatives in the future.

6.     Safety and Health:

·       Personal health and community health are inter-related:

o      Crime prevention programs require public and private investment and cooperative involvement

o      Create wholesome family oriented recreational resources through public and private investment.

o      We support effective emergency services.

7.     Other Quality of Life Issues:

·       This plank is focused on the least fortunate of our community:

o      We support the creation and emphasis on the integration of residents and citizens into a diverse, supportive community throughout the county.

Criteria by which we measure success:

·       Achieve Voter satisfaction

·       Environmentally sound programs

·       Improved public operational effectiveness

·       Financially sustainable